Morton Anthony Hill - Artist - St. Louis

So it's a Friday free day and hovering in the low 30's I poured the last big paver needed for Joan's Walk, which now has thoughts of Jordan imbedded in it, as I made the paver mosaic I was thinking of him. As I rhythmically make the mosaics I go into a zone that is hard to describe in time and space. I think the conscious placement of each tesserae is somehow locked into the mosaic, often I get a feeling that I am aware of the ancient artist's being or mental state or some type of art immortality that is translated as I stare at the way each was laid... and now as it grows and I am staring at the result I sometimes feel I am being transported, as a magic carpet ride to another plane, it is quite mesmerizing. Also last October as I was making them at the ranch and laying them out I was suddenly and very oddly being buzzed by honey bees. At first I thought maybe it was something in the mortar but then decided it could actually be the roses, the red and the minimal greens in the mosaic that was attracting them. I think they take the 'strew roses" mosacis as real in the possible way the "mosaic' is read by them, and wonder about the way we see, they see, and the signals set into stone... the images are minimal and yet must contain some 'truth'


Winter's End


Charlotte Margolin