Plan for Community-Based Conservation

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:February 16, 2011President Obama Announces Plan for Community-Based Conservationthrough the America’s Great Outdoors InitiativeWASHINGTON, D.C. – President Barack Obama today announced theAdministration’s action plan, under the America’s Great Outdoorsinitiative, to achieve lasting conservation of the outdoor spacesthat power our nation’s economy, shape our culture, and build ouroutdoor traditions. This initiative seeks to reinvigorate ourapproach to conservation and reconnect Americans, especially youngpeople, with the lands and waters that are used for farming andranching, hunting and fishing, and for families to spend qualitytime together. Recognizing that many of these places and resourcesare under intense pressure, the President established the America’sGreat Outdoors Initiative last April to work with the Americanpeople in developing a conservation and recreation agenda thatmakes sense for the 21st century.The report released today outlines ways in which the FederalGovernment will help empower local communities to accomplish theirconservation and recreation priorities by recognizing that the bestideas come from outside of Washington. Last summer, seniorAdministration officials held 51 listening sessions across thecountry to gather input from Americans about the outdoor places andactivities that they value most. These sessions drew more than10,000 participants and more than 105,000 written comments, shapingan action plan that, based on local initiatives and support, whichwhen implemented will result in:Accessible parks or green spaces for our children.A new generation of great urban parks and community greenspaces.Newly-restored river restorations and recreational“blueways” that power economic revitalization in communities.Stronger support for farmers, ranchers, and privatelandowners that help protect rural landscapes and provide accessfor recreation.The reinvestment of revenues from oil and gas extractioninto the permanent protection of parks, open spaces, wildlifehabitat, and access for recreational activities.A 21st century conservation ethic that builds on localideas and solutions for environmental stewardship and connecting toour historic, cultural, and natural heritage.“With children spending half as much time outside as their parentsdid, and with many Americans living in urban areas without safeaccess to green space, connecting to the outdoors is more importantthan ever for the economic and physical health of our communities,”said Nancy Sutley, Chair of the White House Council onEnvironmental Quality. “Through the America’s Great OutdoorsInitiative, this Administration will work together with communitiesto ensure clean and accessible lands and waters, thriving outdoorcultures and economies, and healthy and active youth.”“The America’s Great Outdoors Initiative is born out of aconversation with the American people about what matters most tothem about the places where they live, work, and play,” Secretaryof the Interior Ken Salazar said. “It’s about practical, common-sense ideas from the American people on how our natural, cultural,and historic resources can help us be a more competitive, stronger,and healthier nation. Together, we are adapting our conservationstrategies to meet the challenges of today and empoweringcommunities to protect and preserve our working lands and naturallandscapes for generations to come.”“America’s farmlands and woodlands help fuel our economy and createjobs across the rural areas of our country,” said AgricultureSecretary Tom Vilsack. “This plan seeks to work in partnership withlandowners, conservation groups, states and others to conserve ourworking lands and our public lands and to reconnect Americans –especially our nation’s youth – with opportunities to stay active.This blueprint was developed with input from the over 100,000Americans in all corners of our country who joined our nationallistening sessions and who contributed their ideas online.”“This initiative is an effort to reconnect Americans with thevaluable resources all around them and shape a 21st century planfor protecting our great outdoors,” said EPA Administrator Lisa P.Jackson. “It is important that our waters, lands and greenspacesare brought back into our daily lives. President Obama’s initiativewill help make these critical resources a national focus onceagain, and involve people of every background in conservation ofthe places that we hold dear.”Specifically, the report calls for fully funding the Land andWater Conservation Fund; establishing a 21st century ConservationService Corps to engage young Americans in public lands and waterrestoration; and extending the deduction for conservation easementdonations on private lands beyond 2011, among other measures.The full report and additional information is available at:


Bob Mahoney - Range Research Station


Linda Gillard